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Effect of Earth’s Spin
Earth's rotation causes different latitudes to travel at different speeds (like a spinning basketball is faster at it's equator and slower at it's poles). Below calculates the subtle speed difference between two points based on their north-south distance (the point closer to equator will have higher speed). Select an approximate latitude, and enter the north-south distance (in feet) to get the speed difference between those two points.
LatitudeLatitude LookupDistance (feet)Speed DifferenceTime (hours)Total Distance
 ✕   = 

39.73915° 0.25 feet (3 inches) = 0.503 in/hr  3-inch shower drain in Denver has a speed difference of
½ inch-per-hour between the north and south sides of drain

25.77427° 500 feet = 57.074 ft/hr  500-foot long factory in Miami is moving 57 feet-per-hour (11.4 inches-per-minute)
faster on the southern end of the building

41.85003° 6 feet = 12.611 in/hr8 hours = 8.407 feet  6-foot Chicago person lying with head pointing north for
8-hours; their feet (nearest equator) traveled 8.4-feet further than their head

enter the north-south distance (in feet) to get difference in speed (faster rotation speed minus the slower rotation speed)

optionally enter a time duration (in hours) to get distance the faster end-point moved more than the slower end-point